Oversimplified: Volume 135
Meditations on time, comparing yourself to others, and principles to live by
Hey there 👋
Oversimplified is a digest of the best links I stumble upon, along with any new posts from me. This time is a bit longer than usual since I’ve missed a few weeks. If this is your first issue, welcome! You can subscribe with the big blue button below:
✍️ 26 Principles for 26 Years
Each year my birthday comes around I write up the ideas that are most top of mind. On paper, things look similar to where I was last year. Mentally, on the other hand, the feeling is different. Always telling to see how these evolve over time.
✍️ Theory, Explained
Presenting novel information is interesting. Being able to explain why that information looks the way it does is better. I’m still working out my thoughts here, and I don’t love this post, but it’s a stab at something concrete.
✍️ Meditations on Time
I’ve found that one of the most important relationships for our happiness and productivity is that of our relationship with time. It can quickly turn into a sour one. I know it has for me in the past. This is how I’m thinking about it today.
📚 Comparing Yourself to Others is Fine
We all compare ourselves to others, despite the common idea that it’s not healthy or productive. After all, you're only exposed to the strengths of others, not their weaknesses. But it’s not all bad, this post unpacks several faulty assumptions.
📚 Walking Venice
I really enjoyed this post from Craig Mod on his experience exploring the beautiful and cursed city of Venice. Little things like ATMs and telephone poles can tell a compelling story, in the right hands.
📚 Sketches for Data Visualization Careers
There’s a lot of goodness here, both in terms of the survey insights for those who who specialize in data visualization, and the visualization techniques used within the article itself. Keep an eye on both as you parse through.
🔗 Markov Chat Bot Disaster Story
This was a fun read: “At the time, Etsy was at the time famous for two things: Chat Ops and Hack Weeks. This is a story about how those two cultural touchstones collided to create a near disaster.”
🔗 Awesome Cold Showers
“It's great when people get excited about things, but sometimes they get a little too excited.” This curated list of overhyped topics is particularly nice in how it clearly lays out the hype, reality (or shower), and relevant caveats.
Food for Thought
“When faced with two paths, choose the path that puts you in the arena. Once you’re in the arena, never take advice from people on the sidelines.” — The Most Powerful Decision Making Razors
Until next time
As always, if you're enjoying Oversimplified, I'd love it if you shared it with a friend or two. If anything stood out, whether good or bad, I would love to hear about it. Reply to this email or tweet at me and let’s chat.
Until next time,